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Income Statement
Revenue Other Revenue Total Revenue Cost of Revenue Gross Profit Research and Development Depreciation and Amortization SG&A Other Operating Expense Operating Expenses Total Expenses Operating Income Other Non-Operating Items, Net Interest Expense, Non-Operating Income Before Taxes Income Taxes Net Income from Continuing Operations Non-controlling Interest, Extraordinary Items, and Discontinued Operations Net Income Basic EPS Fully Diluted EPS Basic Average Shares Outstanding Fully Diluted Shares Outstanding
Balance Sheet
Cash and Cash Equivalents Short Term Investments Accounts Receivable Inventory Prepaid Expenses Other Current Assets Current Assets Net Property, Plant and Equipment Long Term Investments Goodwill and Intangibles Other Non-Current Assets Investments (for Financial Companies) Loans (for Financial Companies) Total Assets Accounts Payable Short Term Debt Current Portion of Long Term Debt Accrued Liabilities and Other Payables Other Current Liabilities Current Liabilities Long Term Debt Other Non-Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Common Stock Preferred Stock Treasury Stock Retained Earnings Additional Paid-In Capital Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income Other Equity Total Equity
Cash Flow Statement
Net Income (for CFS) Change in Working Capital Depreciation and Amortization (for CFS) Deferred Taxes Other Non-Cash Activities Total Cash from Operating Activities Capital Expenditures Other Investing Cash Flow Total Cash from Investing Activities Dividends and Distributions Purchase or Sale of Stock Purchase and Retirement of Debt Other Financing Cash Flow Total Cash from Financing Activities Exchange Rate Effects Net Change in Cash
Key Metrics and Ratios
Market Capitalization Enterprise Value EV / Revenue EV / EBITDA Trailing P/E Price to Sales Price to Book Book Value per Share Gross Margin Net Profit Margin Return on Assets Return on Equity Current Ratio Quick Ratio Debt to Equity Debt to Asset Basic EPS Fully Diluted EPS Basic Average Shares Outstanding Fully Diluted Shares Outstanding
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Company insiders include officers, directors and those with a greater than 10% ownership interest in the company. Timely knowledge of actions by these insiders is critically important because they possess the advantage of information over other investors. Our Insider Actions data set provides up to the minute current information on buy/sell/exchange activity by company insiders as well as comprehensive historical information for researching trends.

Data Included:

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  • Up to date insider information for all companies filing with the SEC.
  • Comprehensive current data on all insider transactions: updated daily, including:

    • Transactions by officers.
    • Transactions by directors.
    • Transactions by large shareholders (greater than 10%).
    • Date of the transaction.
    • Type of transaction (buy, sell or exchange)
    • Value of the transaction
    • Summary of Insider Holdings
  • 3+ year history of all transactions.

Institutional investors include pension funds, hedge funds, mutual funds, insurance companies, high net worth family trusts, and exchange traded funds. These investors manage large amounts of money and hold significant equity positions in several companies. Keeping track of the buy/sell activity of the institutions provides insight for investment opportunities. It is equally important to know the volume of institutional ownership of a specific company. Our data sets identify the institutional owners of companies as well as the specific companies held by each institution.

Data Included:

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Up to date information on 3,600+ institutions including:

  • Tickers of companies held
  • Total positions held
  • Number of shares owned per ticker
  • Value of shares held – aggregate and per ticker
  • % change in holdings quarter to quarter
  • Type of securities held

Includes at least one year of historical information for all institutions and tickers.


Target and Their Tumble

Target and their controversial policy

Target and Their Tumble

02:03 02 May in Business

Unless you have been under a rock for the better part of the last week, you know that Target has been in the headlines for all the wrong reasons. I am not taking one side or another in the heated bathroom debate, but nonetheless, Target has figured out a way to anger a large majority of their consumer base by making the announcement. There has even been an online petition that has gained over one million signatures with individuals boycotting Target. Simply put, this is not how you want to do business.

I know on the flip side of things, those who support the issue have come out in support for the organization, vowing that they will shop there more. That is highly unlikely, in my opinion, as a person only needs so many things, and you will likely not be making a trip out of the way of your convenience just to support Target. The bottom line is that Target suffered because of this announcement, dropping more than 5% to end the week.

There isn’t anything to necessarily prove that this controversial policy is what caused the stock to drop. After all, the market itself didn’t exactly have a banner week. Let’s be serious though: people run off of emotion. Money is made when emotion is kept out of a decision, and it is lost when reactionary tactics are used. There were probably two camps of investors this past week: those who “stood up for their beliefs and dumped Target stock on principal” and those who sold fearing that the stock was take a big dip and they couldn’t stomach the thought of losing money.

Meanwhile, savvy investors are siting back and hoping that the stock falls even further. All the technical signs show the stock and the company is moving in the right direction. With good management and quality products, Target really has nothing to worry about. Likewise, neither do investors. The company will take a small knock in the short-term, but in the long run, it should still be an industry leader, holding all things consistent.

I have written in other blogs that one of the most impactful conditions in the market is consumer sentiment. Right now, there is a negative implication for many when it comes to target. That’s fine. In fact, if it were to cause the stock to trade even lower, that’s great! After all, we aren’t going to be a part of the emotional mass! Soon enough, another event will come along that captures the human emotion and Target and their bathroom policy will be a thing of the past. When that happens, things will return to normal, including the company’s stock price.

The biggest takeaway is to know that Target is going to be just fine. This will soon be a fleeting memory, and if you were smart, you will have held, bought low or held and bought low! There is money to be made when emotional overreactions are being made, and this could be one of those times with Target.


Nicholas Volinchak

Nicholas Volinchak
