Company insiders include officers, directors and those with a greater than 10% ownership interest in the company. Timely knowledge of actions by these insiders is critically important because they possess the advantage of information over other investors. Our Insider Actions data set provides up to the minute current information on buy/sell/exchange activity by company insiders as well as comprehensive historical information for researching trends.
Institutional investors include pension funds, hedge funds, mutual funds, insurance companies, high net worth family trusts, and exchange traded funds. These investors manage large amounts of money and hold significant equity positions in several companies. Keeping track of the buy/sell activity of the institutions provides insight for investment opportunities. It is equally important to know the volume of institutional ownership of a specific company. Our data sets identify the institutional owners of companies as well as the specific companies held by each institution.
Includes at least one year of historical information for all institutions and tickers.
We help competitive intelligence professionals by providing them highly detailed up to date data in order to help them do their jobs effectively. Our clients save time on doing the legwork of digging for information, allowing them to focus less on research and more on analysis.
Our custom data sets allow competitive intelligence professionals to focus on specific companies and industry groups as well as dive deeper with more indicators. Not only can we focus the scope to provide the exact information needed, but we can also allow our customers to specifically define the indicators of interest. Our custom data sets can include:
Our methodology allows us to capture meticulously detailed information from SEC Filings enabling us to drill down into the fundamentals of every company. This allows us to produce custom data sets defined by our client. Going further, once we have produced the data sets we can easily update the data as new information becomes available, format the data and feed it into any platform. This helps our clients by providing them exactly the information that they need in a timely manner.