Social Media Isn’t Just for Selfies Anymore
Social Media has certainly revolutionized the way we communicate. In addition to that, it has provided us with an opportunity to share the most intimate details with our friends and followers, whether they like it or not. In this day and age, people need to feel like they are attached to the goings-on in the lives of those they have in their social network. It has become so prevalent that it is almost difficult to imagine a world without some form of social media.
Social media isn’t just for sharing pictures, quotes, political musings and other inaccuracies that you have undoubtedly seen in your timeline from your friends. Social media is also becoming a powerful tool for investors to connect with those who are more informed and educated on the market. It works out well, especially on Twitter because you do not have to get a request approved to view the Tweets of the person you want to follow.
The important thing to consider is that many of these investors are not shy about keeping their research to themselves. Why should they be? I’m not just talking about the Warren Buffett’s and Carl Icahns of the world. There are a multitude of accomplished investors that don’t have the huge name value that are putting deep analysis, their analysis, out there for public consumption. They do so in an effort to increase their visibility in a fairly crowded marketplace that is only going to continue to grow and become more saturated.
Make sure to do your diligence if this is the route you choose to go. In this day and age it is easy to imagine that someone can be posting some information for a self-serving reason. But not all of them are like that. Perhaps more importantly, some will make an honest effort to reach out to you if you comment on their posts. This can help you, especially those like myself who are novices in investing, to better understand the nuances of trading and some good strategies. One of those accounts that I like to monitor is that of Nick Raich, @EarningScout. Nick is an extremely intelligent analyst and posts some pretty good content. He also regularly converses with his followers to help augment what his charts and comments mean.
You know you are going to use social media, so why not make the most of it to increase your understanding, and hopefully your profits. There are a lot of resources out there to help you, but sometimes you can find great information in the places you’d least expect.
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